
Share your Parkinson’s Story with us: one’s life is another’s inspiration

Share your Parkinson’s Story with us: one’s life is another’s inspiration

Sometimes it’s big accomplishments, like the (runner-up) table tennis world championship, or the creation of an NGO to support an entire continent.

Others, it’s the little things, like being able to keep cooking for those we love, or simply being able to continue dancing.

Stories of life with Parkinson’s that, for those who have already realized that It's possible to live well with the condition, may

Fig. 1 Human skeleton, front and back, Trousset encyclopedia, 1886 - 1891

Fig. 2 Brain - Basal Ganglia

Fig. 3 Monocycle patent, J.W. Finch, 1894

Fig. 4 Damásio Caeiro © Luís Nobre Guedes

not seem much; but which can be everything, our experience tells us, for someone who has just been diagnosed and is wondering “Now what?”.

If you have a story to tell, a life to remember or a memory to share, we want to hear from you and tell it to anyone who wants (and needs) to hear it. Whether as a patient, a caregiver or a spectator, help us helping those who haven’t yet found out that life doesn’t end and that there’s

a story — theirs — waiting to be lived. Who knows if one day they’ll also be here to share and inspire others who, like them right now, have just received a diagnosis and are asking themselves:

“Now what?”. Send us your story to info@parkinsonseurope.org and let’s get in touch.

Fig. 1 Human skeleton, front and back, Trousset encyclopedia, 1886 - 1891

Fig. 2 Brain - Basal Ganglia

Fig. 3 Monocycle patent, J.W. Finch, 1894

Fig. 4 Damásio Caeiro © Luís Nobre Guedes

date of preparation June 2022

date of preparation June 2022